1,887 research outputs found

    Some Field Theoretic Issues Regarding the Chiral Magnetic Effect

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    In this paper, we shall address some field theoretic issues regarding the chiral magnetic effect. The general structure of the magnetic current consistent with the electromagnetic gauge invariance is obtained and the impact of the infrared divergence is examined. Some subtleties on the relation between the chiral magnetic effect and the axial anomaly are clarified through a careful examination of the infrared limit of the relevant thermal diagrams.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures in Latex. Typos fixed, version accepted to be published in JHE

    Bjorken Flow, Plasma Instabilities, and Thermalization

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    At asymptotically high energies, thermalization in heavy ion collisions can be described via weak-coupling QCD. We present a complete treatment of how thermalization proceeds, at the parametric weak-coupling level. We show that plasma instabilities dominate the dynamics, from immediately after the collision until well after the plasma becomes nearly in equilibrium. Initially they drive the system close to isotropy, but Bjorken expansion and increasing diluteness makes the system again become more anisotropic. At time \tau ~ \alpha^(-12/5) Q^(-1) the dynamics become dominated by a nearly-thermal bath; and at time \tau ~ \alpha^(-5/2) Q^(-1)$ the bath comes to dominate the energy density, completing thermalization. After this time there is a nearly isotropic and thermal Quark-Gluon Plasma.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    Finding Inspiration: Sharing Practice and Developing Authentic Multimedia Artifacts for Supervision of Undergraduate Research in Irish higher education

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    Supervision is a specialist academic practice that can be learnt through the experience of the practice of supervision itself. However, increasingly, supervisors can find inspiration from each other in structured, supported, collaborative professional development. This Chapter evaluates the perceived impact on faculty and student learning of sharing inspirational practices and creating multimedia artifacts which formed the assessment of an accredited postgraduate module entitled ‘Supervising Undergraduate Dissertations and Projects’ at a Technological University in Ireland. A range of themes are explored in the Chapter including the increasing demand for this form of professional development for academics; the importance of a peer learning approach for providing inspiration and sharing of practice; the design and development of multimedia artifacts for undergraduate supervision practice and the national context within which this work is situated

    5D gravity and the discrepant G measurements

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    It is shown that 5D Kaluza-Klein theory stabilized by an external bulk scalar field may solve the discrepant laboratory G measurements. This is achieved by an effective coupling between gravitation and the geomagnetic field. Experimental considerations are also addressed.Comment: 13 pages, to be published in: Proceedings of the 18th Course of the School on Cosmology and Gravitation: The gravitational Constant. Generalized gravitational theories and experiments (30 April-10 May 2003, Erice). Ed. by G. T. Gillies, V. N. Melnikov and V. de Sabbata, (Kluwer), 13pp. (in print) (2003

    Risk factors for high anti-HHV-8 antibody titers (≥1:51,200) in black, HIV-1 negative South African cancer patients: a case control study

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    Background: Infection with human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) is the necessary causal agent in the development of Kaposi's sarcoma (KS). Infection with HIV-1, male gender and older age all increase risk for KS. However, the geographic distribution of HHV-8 and KS both prior to the HIV/AIDS epidemic and with HIV/AIDS suggest the presence of an additional co-factor in the development of KS. Methods: Between January 1994 and October 1997, we interviewed 2576 black in-patients with cancer in Johannesburg and Soweto, South Africa. Blood was tested for antibodies against HIV-1 and HHV-8 and the study was restricted to 2191 HIV-1 negative patients. Antibodies against the latent nuclear antigen of HHV-8 encoded by orf73 were detected with an indirect immunofluorescence assay. We examined the relationship between high anti-HHV-8 antibody titers (≥1:51,200) and sociodemographic and behavioral factors using unconditional logistic regression models. Variables that were significant at p = 0.10 were included in multivariate analysis. Results: Of the 2191 HIV-1 negative patients who did not have Kaposi's sarcoma, 854 (39.0%) were positive for antibodies against HHV-8 according to the immunofluorescent assay. Among those seropositive for HHV-8, 530 (62.1%) had low titers (1:200), 227 (26.6%) had medium titers (1:51,200) and 97 (11.4%) had highest titers (1:204,800). Among the 2191 HIV-1 negative patients, the prevalence of high anti-HHV-8 antibody titers (≥1:51,200) was independently associated with increasing age (ptrend = 0.04), having a marital status of separated or divorced (p = 0.003), using wood, coal or charcoal as fuel for cooking 20 years ago instead of electricity (p = 0.02) and consuming traditional maize beer more than one time a week (p = 0.02; p-trend for increasing consumption = 0.05) although this may be due to chance given the large number of predictors considered in this analysis. Conclusions: Among HIV-negative subjects, patients with high anti-HHV-8 antibody titers are characterized by older age. Other associations that may be factors in the development of high anti- HHV-8 titers include exposure to poverty or a low socioeconomic status environment and consumption of traditional maize beer. The relationship between these variables and high anti- HHV-8 titers requires further, prospective study

    Substantial Seasonal Contribution of Observed Biogenic Sulfate Particles to Cloud Condensation Nuclei

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    Biogenic sources contribute to cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) in the clean marine atmosphere, but few measurements exist to constrain climate model simulations of their importance. The chemical composition of individual atmospheric aerosol particles showed two types of sulfate-containing particles in clean marine air masses in addition to mass-based Estimated Salt particles. Both types of sulfate particles lack combustion tracers and correlate, for some conditions, to atmospheric or seawater dimethyl sulfide (DMS) concentrations, which means their source was largely biogenic. The first type is identified as New Sulfate because their large sulfate mass fraction (63% sulfate) and association with entrainment conditions means they could have formed by nucleation in the free troposphere. The second type is Added Sulfate particles (38% sulfate), because they are preexisting particles onto which additional sulfate condensed. New Sulfate particles accounted for 31% (7 cm−3) and 33% (36 cm−3) CCN at 0.1% supersaturation in late-autumn and late-spring, respectively, whereas sea spray provided 55% (13 cm−3) in late-autumn but only 4% (4 cm−3) in late-spring. Our results show a clear seasonal difference in the marine CCN budget, which illustrates how important phytoplankton-produced DMS emissions are for CCN in the North Atlantic

    A formally verified compiler back-end

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    This article describes the development and formal verification (proof of semantic preservation) of a compiler back-end from Cminor (a simple imperative intermediate language) to PowerPC assembly code, using the Coq proof assistant both for programming the compiler and for proving its correctness. Such a verified compiler is useful in the context of formal methods applied to the certification of critical software: the verification of the compiler guarantees that the safety properties proved on the source code hold for the executable compiled code as well

    Tumor-derived exosomes confer antigen-specific immunosuppression in a murine delayed-type hypersensitivity model

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    Exosomes are endosome-derived small membrane vesicles that are secreted by most cell types including tumor cells. Tumor-derived exosomes usually contain tumor antigens and have been used as a source of tumor antigens to stimulate anti-tumor immune responses. However, many reports also suggest that tumor-derived exosomes can facilitate tumor immune evasion through different mechanisms, most of which are antigen-independent. In the present study we used a mouse model of delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) and demonstrated that local administration of tumor-derived exosomes carrying the model antigen chicken ovalbumin (OVA) resulted in the suppression of DTH response in an antigen-specific manner. Analysis of exosome trafficking demonstrated that following local injection, tumor-derived exosomes were internalized by CD11c+ cells and transported to the draining LN. Exosome-mediated DTH suppression is associated with increased mRNA levels of TGF-β1 and IL-4 in the draining LN. The tumor-derived exosomes examined were also found to inhibit DC maturation. Taken together, our results suggest a role for tumor-derived exosomes in inducing tumor antigen-specific immunosuppression, possibly by modulating the function of APCs. © 2011 Yang et al